Simple Start Up Budget Template for the Self-Employed
If you’re ready to take action and take you’re first steps into self-employment, then this free start up budget template is the place to start!
Tax codes affect how much income tax you pay on your payslip, so it’s important to make sure your employer is using the right one. Here you’ll find guides to help you understand how tax codes work and how deductions are made.
Friendly Disclaimer: Whilst I am an accountant, I’m not your accountant. The information in these guides are legally correct but are for guidance and information purposes only. Everyone’s situation is different and unique so you’ll need to use your own best judgement when applying the advice that I give to your situation. If you are unsure or have a question be sure to contact a qualified professional. I cannot accept responsibility for any losses or penalties you may incur while following the contents.
A tax code is a numerical number followed by a letter issued by HMRC. Find out how they are generated and what yours means in these guides:
Income tax and your personal allowance may be calculated in different ways if you have different tax code letters. Here are the most common adjustments and what they mean: – small business website with easy-to-follow guides on topics like tax, accounting and business registration for the UK self-employed and Limited Company Directors. Follow on Instagram and Tiktok for more.
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If you’re ready to take action and take you’re first steps into self-employment, then this free start up budget template is the place to start!
Find out what HMRC stands for, how it affects our taxes especially if you’re self-employed or employed by someone.
If you drive your car for business reasons, you can claim business mileage as an expense on your tax return. Grab a copy of my easy-to-use FREE BUSINESS MILEAGE LOG TEMPLATE and learn how to keep track of your business travel.
Discover the tax-free thresholds and rates for calculating Class 4 National Insurance for self-employed workers in the 2024-25 tax year.
The UK personal allowance is set at £12,570 for 2023-24. Here’s how it works, how to claim it and how it is clawed back from higher earners.
How HMRC defines temporary workplace & the rules you need to follow when working out whether you have a temporary or permanent place of work.
Working Tax Credits are available to eligible individuals who earn below a certain threshold, including those who are self-employed. Working Tax Credits are available to individuals whose income is below a certain level. They have, in the most, been replaced by Universal Credits.
Find out about the VAT margin scheme for used cars including what cars can be included, record-keeping & calculating figures for VAT returns.
Reclaiming all the VAT you are entitled to will reduce your VAT bill or even create a VAT repayment. Keeping the right records is essential to support any claim you make.
Being self-employed and only working for one company isn’t an unusual scenario these days – think about Uber drivers, Deliveroo riders and Amazon Flex workers. But there are tax implications. In this guide, you’ll find out whether you can work for one company on a self-employed basis and the tax side of things.